Emergency Leather Care Tips For Your Furniture

Real leather furniture is such a joy to have around the house, with its smooth and crisp feel that is simply a pleasure to sit on and touch. It also emits a certain scent that only leather can impress. But because homeowners love it so much, it is also prone to a number of unintentional accidents. Here’s some advice to remember in the event of an unwanted spill on your favorite leather furniture.

Image source: goodstuffcheapstl.wordpress.com

Waste no time in cleaning up spills with a soft piece of cloth. Ideally, this should be a white sheet of cotton. Other materials have proven to leave scratches and snags on the leather. Make sure to avoid rubbing the leather, because this may affect the coloration or even eat up the material altogether. For the same reason, don’t use a wet piece of cloth. A damp one will do perfectly.

If the stain is a bit sticky, use multiple pieces of fresh cloth in each attempt. At this point, all you can do is your best effort in restoring it to dryness. Once the foreign substance is at its thinnest after you make your best attempt, expose the stained surface to a gentle fan. Never use a hairdryer to do the work.

Image source: goodhousekeeping.co.uk

After a few minutes, apply some leather cleaner with a fresh sheet of cloth. Follow package directions when using the leather conditioner. If the stain is still there the following day, resist the temptation to do aggressive rubbing. The best you can do by then is to get the help of a professional leather cleaner.

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