Some Subtle Health Threats That Are Right Under Your Mattress

Just because it’s white and it smells good doesn’t that mean your mattress is free of a number of threats. Here are the most infamous ones.

The mattress is exposed to a lot of human contact. Your mattress is a habitat for many types of harmful bacteria to thrive. It’s not hard to imagine a variety of human bodily fluids, from saliva, to perspiration, and many others, emitted during sleep. Even if your sheets are changed regularly, these bacteria are securely located in your mattress.

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Because there your mattress is subjected to a relatively minimal exposure to light, another lingering threat is fungi. With enough moisture and a low intensity of light, these organisms can grow. The worst part is that they produce spores, which later on develop into adult fungi. This is a huge problem.

Dust mites have been known to cause some of the scariest diseases known to man. The truth is, they have been known to even cause death. A dust mite’s bite can obstruct breathing and even cause death in the middle of sleep.

All of these threats are not taken seriously enough by many people. There is a strong argument that says that these mattress hazards alone have accounted for some of the most horrific experiences known to man. The effects have ranged from allergies to infections.

The best solution is to get a strong level of mattress protection already available in the market. When it comes to the health of the family, you can never take any chances, especially when the threats cannot be seen through the naked eye.

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Guardian Protection Products Inc. offers protection plans and products that help customers protect their families from the many health threats presented by unsanitized furniture. For a more on their products, visit this website.