Answering The Riddle Of Dust Mites In Your Furniture And Home

Dust mites are minute arachnids that are common in our homes, living in our pillows, furniture, beddings, and even our children’s toys. It’s impossible to completely eliminate them, but mitigating their existence is of primacy if we are to prevent allergic reactions and asthma attacks. Here are some tips to reduce the itches and allergies.


Use a hypoallergenic mattress

Even the tidiest of mattresses can be a breeding ground for mites, and their droppings are the primary source of allergies. Getting an anti-allergy mattress or anti-allergen mattress protector will minimize reactions and act as a barrier between yourself and the mattress-dwelling vermin.

Don’t make your bed after you wake up

Dust mites thrive in humidity and feed on the moisture our bodies secrete onto our beddings. So instead of making your bed in the morning or after sleeping, give it a good airing instead and let the blankets and pillows dry.

Have your beddings washed regularly

Mites feed on skin cells and flakes we shed mainly when sleeping, thus making our beds an ideal habitat and feeding ground for them. Have your bed sheets washed in hot temperature of about 140°F or 60°C to remove both mite droppings and skin particles. Minimizing mite population on beddings is best addressed by professional cleaning services.


Opt to keep your pets out of your bedroom

Most of us love to have our dogs, cats, and other pets in our sleeping areas, but this just invites more dust mites. Consider this suggestion seriously, as the more skin and fur are shed, the faster the mites will prosper.

Guardian Protection Products Inc. is a renowned leader in the furniture protection industry. It provides both products and services for the care of both indoor and outdoor furniture. Details on the company’s wide array of offerings here.