Keeping Wooden Furniture Safe During Monsoon

The monsoons might be a good season to enjoy some indoor time sipping a hot cup of tea; it could also be a good time to double up on protecting wooden furniture at home. Here are some expert tips to protect this kind of furniture from damage and aging.

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Ensure the basics
By this we mean moving wooden furniture away from doors and windows, where it cannot come in contact with raindrops or leakages. Keep garden chairs that are nylon webbed or painted metal indoors in order to prevent cracking or paint from chipping off. Keep the house clean to ensure the right moisture level that’s friendly to wooden furniture inside.

Keep furniture away from the walls
During monsoon, it’s smart to pull furniture away from the wall so that they do not absorb moisture from the damp surface. This is even more important for wardrobes, where one cannot always check behind the furniture for leaks.

Keep it oiled or waxed
As it tends to swell up during this season due to moisture absorption, it’s best to oil or wax wooden furniture in order to avoid its drawers and doors from getting stuck when opening or closing them. Spray-on wax offers a clean finish.

Keep it neat and tidy
Wipe clean any water splashes and spills as soon as they occur. Vacuum mildewed wooden furniture with a soft brush to remove loose spores.

Use a humidifier if necessary
Let the house breathe by opening up doors and windows in between rain showers. If this isn’t enough, use a humidifier to keep temperatures and moisture levels controlled inside.

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Guardian Protection Products, Inc. protects the beauty and value of furniture with protection plans that cover fabric, leather, wood, mattresses, and more. Read more on this site.