Inside Living: How to care for your rugs and carpets

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Some areas in the home are easier to clean more than others. Different furniture pieces require unique approaches for care and maintenance. This is especially true when it comes to area rugs and carpets, which are one of the toughest pieces of furniture to clean and maintain.

If there isn’t a visible stain on them, it’s hard to discern whether they are clean or not. This is why people often misjudge the cleanliness of their rugs and carpets. Here are some ways to ensure their maximum cleanliness:

Place doormats at every house entrance
Doormats help remove large and medium pieces of dirt from footwear. They then prevent the transfer of outside dirt, such as soot or mud, to your rugs and carpets.

Vacuum as often as possible
A rug or a carpet is easily ruined when dirt sinks to the bottom of the material. It becomes much harder to clean and it can cause damage to your carpet. Vacuuming as often as possible may mean cleaning the carpet every day. Just keep in mind that having less dirt on your carpet extends its life. It also prevents allergens like pollen from sticking to your carpet or rug.

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Use carpet deodorizers

A clean looking carpet may not actually be clean. To remove foul odors and kill bacteria, use enzymatic cleaners.

Guardian Protection Products, Inc. helps people protect their new furniture from life’s little accidents by offering furniture protection plans and cleaning products. The company’s protection plans encompass a wide array of furniture materials and cover the cost of materials and labor to service the client’s furniture item in the event of accidents from single incidents during normal residential use. Know more about the company by visiting this page.