The three most important factors that prolong the life of furniture

Guardian Protection Products Inc. not only offers consumers products that can help furniture last longer, but the company also provides a lot of helpful information on how to keep furniture healthy. As part of the education, the company feels it’s important for furniture owners to be reminded of the basics of furniture protection from time to time.

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On that note, here are the three most important factors that affect (and prolong) the life of furniture.

How the furniture is handled

So many owners are oblivious to the fact that how they handle their furniture affects its health. This is a very important reminder especially for people who love rearranging their living spaces regularly. Bumping chairs into other hard surfaces is one of the most common causes of scratches and dents. Be careful always.

Where the furniture is situated

Where the furniture is situated means places in the house that have unforgiving conditions such as high temperature and humidity. Guardian Protection Products Inc. suggest keeping furniture in areas in the home that don’t expose it to sunlight as much. The company also recommends keeping the temperature at 40 F and the humidity at around 50 percent.

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The presence of pests

Termites have ruined more furniture than any other pest in existence. However, this doesn’t mean that other creepy crawlies aren’t as dangerous to furniture as well. Owners should check their homes regularly and have professionals deal with these pests as soon as possible.

A renowned leader in the furniture protection industry, Guardian Protection Products, Inc. helps owners protect the beauty and value of their furniture through protection plans and care products. Follow this blog for more discussions on furniture protection.

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