Making sure the antiques retain their timeless quality

While the use of Guardian Protection Products Inc.’s wood care products ensures retention of the timeless quality of furniture, there are times when furniture owners run out of polish or other protectors. In these instances, alternative ways of caring for wood are the best recourse.

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Wood is like any other solid material. It can sustain small scratches. Because of this, Guardian Protection Products Inc. has a wood polish to cover the scratches. However, if the owner needs to restock and cannot wait, any wood polish will do, simply to hide the minor damage.

If the damage looks a lot more serious than any wood polish can handle, painting the furniture might be an option. However, an owner with no experience in painting might want to call a professional.

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Furniture oil is also a good option to give life to antiques. The important thing to remember here though is that the owner needs to prepare the surface properly. This means using oil soap and steel wool. It should take no more than 15 minutes for the oil to soak into the wood. But if the owner plans to put a protective coating over the furniture, 24 hours should be enough time to allow the oil to set.

Do you have any other ideas on how to breathe life into wooden antique furniture? Feel free to share them with Guardian Protection Products Inc. in the comments section below.

Guardian Protection Products Inc. is a renowned leader in the furniture protection industry, providing services for different furniture materials, including fabric, leather, and wood. For more furniture-related posts, visit this blog.

The three most important factors that prolong the life of furniture

Guardian Protection Products Inc. not only offers consumers products that can help furniture last longer, but the company also provides a lot of helpful information on how to keep furniture healthy. As part of the education, the company feels it’s important for furniture owners to be reminded of the basics of furniture protection from time to time.

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On that note, here are the three most important factors that affect (and prolong) the life of furniture.

How the furniture is handled

So many owners are oblivious to the fact that how they handle their furniture affects its health. This is a very important reminder especially for people who love rearranging their living spaces regularly. Bumping chairs into other hard surfaces is one of the most common causes of scratches and dents. Be careful always.

Where the furniture is situated

Where the furniture is situated means places in the house that have unforgiving conditions such as high temperature and humidity. Guardian Protection Products Inc. suggest keeping furniture in areas in the home that don’t expose it to sunlight as much. The company also recommends keeping the temperature at 40 F and the humidity at around 50 percent.

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The presence of pests

Termites have ruined more furniture than any other pest in existence. However, this doesn’t mean that other creepy crawlies aren’t as dangerous to furniture as well. Owners should check their homes regularly and have professionals deal with these pests as soon as possible.

A renowned leader in the furniture protection industry, Guardian Protection Products, Inc. helps owners protect the beauty and value of their furniture through protection plans and care products. Follow this blog for more discussions on furniture protection.

Tips on choosing a furniture protection plan

When purchasing furniture, buyers should think of it as an investment because of the cost it involves and so that it can be functional and have a beautiful appearance for a very long time. One way of ensuring that furniture can be safeguarded is to purchase a furniture protection plan, such as the ones being offered by Guardian Protection Products, Inc.

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The following are some considerations to check when selecting which protection plan to buy:

• Plan coverage: It is important to ensure that the plan covers the furniture materials, which may be fabric, leather, and wood. The types of damages, such as stains, rips, tears, burns, breakages, and others, covered should also be verified.

• Qualified technicians: Because furniture should be treated as an investment, whenever it needs repair, professionals should be sent over. The company that offers a furniture protection plan should have a database of qualified, expert technicians who are readily available when called upon, bonded, insured, and have excellent service records.

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• Legitimacy of the protection plan provider: This can be done by checking the background of the company. For example, Guardian Protection Products has been servicing satisfied customers for more than four decades now. Also, the company that established the business, RPM International, Inc. is a $4.5-billion Fortune 1000 Company.

Guardian Protection Products, Inc. also offers a complete line of innovative furniture cleaners, protectors, and polishes, which are free of bleach and other harsh solvents, and are engineered to work safely and effectively on fabric, microfiber, leather, vinyl, wood, or glass. Learn more about the company by visiting its official website.

Some tips for protecting your upholstered furniture

Remember that any item in your house that gets used constantly requires regular care. This is especially true of upholstered furniture. If you’re to ensure that they make your house more appealing if not outright charming, you’ve to find the time to maintain them, especially as upholstered furniture not only get stained easily but can accumulate dust when not used for days, explains furniture maintenance expert Guardian Protection Products, Inc.

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Protection and use go side by side. The idea is both maintain and take pleasure in your upholstered furniture. One sound advice to do so is to air your upholstery at least once a month. However, ensure that it’s not exposed to direct sunlight for long periods as this will only cause the fabric to fade.


For undesirable odors that are usually caused by smoking and the presence of pets, keep the rooms where the furniture pieces are located well-ventilated. But if the smell persists, you can use fabric fresheners that are chemical-free. If you prefer something more readily available, you can mix up water with baking soda and oils for light, pleasant scents. To prevent grease and oil from getting into your upholstery in other rooms, it’s advisable to have a fan for ventilating the kitchen and keeping the area closed as you cook.

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Finally, vacuum regularly. This will ensure that dust does not accumulate and solidify on the fabric. Vacuuming should be part of your regular cleaning routine. Turn over your cushions and vacuum underneath, too, especially if you have pets; pet hair might have gathered there. If you’re afraid that vacuuming might damage sensitive fabric, you can settle for an upholstery brush, advises Guardian Protection Products.

Guardian Protection Products Inc. is an established leader in furniture protection, providing protection plans and cleaning services for different furniture materials. Check out this page for more furniture protection tips.

Inside Living: How to care for your rugs and carpets

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Some areas in the home are easier to clean more than others. Different furniture pieces require unique approaches for care and maintenance. This is especially true when it comes to area rugs and carpets, which are one of the toughest pieces of furniture to clean and maintain.

If there isn’t a visible stain on them, it’s hard to discern whether they are clean or not. This is why people often misjudge the cleanliness of their rugs and carpets. Here are some ways to ensure their maximum cleanliness:

Place doormats at every house entrance
Doormats help remove large and medium pieces of dirt from footwear. They then prevent the transfer of outside dirt, such as soot or mud, to your rugs and carpets.

Vacuum as often as possible
A rug or a carpet is easily ruined when dirt sinks to the bottom of the material. It becomes much harder to clean and it can cause damage to your carpet. Vacuuming as often as possible may mean cleaning the carpet every day. Just keep in mind that having less dirt on your carpet extends its life. It also prevents allergens like pollen from sticking to your carpet or rug.

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Use carpet deodorizers

A clean looking carpet may not actually be clean. To remove foul odors and kill bacteria, use enzymatic cleaners.

Guardian Protection Products, Inc. helps people protect their new furniture from life’s little accidents by offering furniture protection plans and cleaning products. The company’s protection plans encompass a wide array of furniture materials and cover the cost of materials and labor to service the client’s furniture item in the event of accidents from single incidents during normal residential use. Know more about the company by visiting this page.

A short guide on furniture and children

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While Guardian Protection Products, Inc. specializes in protecting furniture from all kinds of damage, the company also addresses households with families, especially babies, toddlers, and children.


As much as they are loved, children will be children.  They will run and jump and test furniture in a way that it has never been tested before.  And while there are products and services specifically for protecting furniture against the playful little tykes and their constant adventures that damage household fixtures, choosing the right furniture goes a long way in keeping the home presentable.

On the flip side, choosing the right furniture also protects children from any harm, especially as they have yet to gain full control of their movements and coordination.

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The first thing parents with toddlers need to ask themselves when buying furniture is do they really need it?  A fine dining table and expertly-crafted chairs may look appealing, but are they needed?  Or will a sturdy and comfortable set do?  Durability should be taken into consideration since children may carve patterns or draw on the furniture with crayons.  They love to do that.

Parents should also consider the fact that space is more important than furniture.  This doesn’t mean that parents shouldn’t invest in furniture and just leave the space bare.  They can always have wall-to-wall carpeting done (as long as its properly maintained) and put a bean bag or two (which are easier to maintain and a lot safer than furniture with sharp and pointy edges).

Parents need to look at the bigger picture since they share the home with little people who do as they please.  At this stage in parents’ lives, they need things that are easier to maintain.

Having said all of this, hiring a company like Guardian Protection Products, Inc. is still a great idea in maintaining furniture and keeping the household as clean and as presentable as when parents first bought it.

What are your thoughts on furniture ownership?  Feel free to fill in the comments section below.

New furniture is an important investment.  For this reason, Guardian Protection Products, Inc. offers protection plans and a complete line of cleaners, protectors, and polishes to help people take care of their new furniture.  The company’s protection plans cover, on average, five years.  Fore more articles about maintaining your furniture, visit this page.

Taking great care of your outdoor furniture

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Having functional, alluring, and comfy furniture surrounding our homes is a huge aspect of maximizing our private, living spaces. The influence of such furniture on our private lives then should move us to maintain these outdoor installations. Below are some tips on furthering the life of these home comfort extensions.

We strongly advise storing your outdoor furniture indoors or somewhere with a roof to protect outdoor furniture from the elements, should you be away from home for a long time. In line with this, regularly check the nuts and bolts. Tighten loose ones and replace screws with lost threads and other faulty hardware immediately.

If your outdoor furniture are made of wood, it’s a given that they will age. This is actually a good thing, as weathering enhances their appeal and adds a rugged character. Nonetheless, cleaning them will prevent decay and rot. Wash your wood furniture with water and mild soap at least once a year. You can opt for dishwashing liquid; just make sure to rub the surface gently with a soft brush, then allow to completely dry in the sun.

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We suggest checking with your manufacturer first if you plan on treating the wood, as the treatment products depend on the type of wood. Metal furniture, on the other hand, are always prone to rust, even if they’re easier to maintain. If you live near salt water, monthly washing of aluminum types is a must. You can use fine sandpaper for doing this, but you’ve to also coat the exterior with wax and rust-proof paint.

All in all, it’s still best to hire furniture maintenance and protection professionals, if you are to guarantee the application of the correct and best methods for caring for your outdoor furniture.

Guardian Protection Products Inc. is a recognized leader in the furniture-protection industry. The company offers a wide array of protection and cleaning services for various indoor and outdoor furniture materials. For more on the company’s offerings, visit their official website.

How to care for leather furniture the right way

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Leather furniture give a luxurious appeal to any space.  Whether in a house, in an office, or commercial area, leather instantly elevates interiors.  Leather is a low-maintenance, highly durable surface for furnishings, and keeping it clean is not that hard if you follow correct maintenance requirements.  Here are some examples.

Identify what kind of leather you have.  In order to care for your sofa, ottoman, or chair, you must distinguish the kind of leather from which it is made.  Check the label or ask your furniture dealer if what you have is made from protected or unprotected leather.

Regularly wipe leather with clean, dry cloth.   Make sure to include the task of wiping your leather furniture each time you clean the house.  A microfiber cloth will work best as it prevents dust build-up.  For stubborn, thicker dust, lightly damp the cloth with clean, distilled water.  Never use brushes with abrasive tips as it will destroy the leather surface.

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Use a vacuum cleaner for surfaces and folds that are tough to reach.   Dirt and debris could build up or get stuck in the crevices, and using a vacuum is the most effective way to get rid of them.  Run the vacuum brush on the entire surface and in and under the cushions.

Immediately clean spills using a cloth.   Spills can seriously damage leather, especially if the liquid contains a lot of sugar.  To prevent the leather surface from deteriorating, clean the spill immediately using a clean cloth that dampened with clean water.

Guardian Protection Products, Inc. protects the beauty and value of furniture with protection plans that cover fabric, leather, wood, mattresses, and more.  The company also offers a complete line of furniture cleaners, protectors, and polishes.  For more articles about furniture maintenance, visit this page.

Keeping Wooden Furniture Safe During Monsoon

The monsoons might be a good season to enjoy some indoor time sipping a hot cup of tea; it could also be a good time to double up on protecting wooden furniture at home. Here are some expert tips to protect this kind of furniture from damage and aging.

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Ensure the basics
By this we mean moving wooden furniture away from doors and windows, where it cannot come in contact with raindrops or leakages. Keep garden chairs that are nylon webbed or painted metal indoors in order to prevent cracking or paint from chipping off. Keep the house clean to ensure the right moisture level that’s friendly to wooden furniture inside.

Keep furniture away from the walls
During monsoon, it’s smart to pull furniture away from the wall so that they do not absorb moisture from the damp surface. This is even more important for wardrobes, where one cannot always check behind the furniture for leaks.

Keep it oiled or waxed
As it tends to swell up during this season due to moisture absorption, it’s best to oil or wax wooden furniture in order to avoid its drawers and doors from getting stuck when opening or closing them. Spray-on wax offers a clean finish.

Keep it neat and tidy
Wipe clean any water splashes and spills as soon as they occur. Vacuum mildewed wooden furniture with a soft brush to remove loose spores.

Use a humidifier if necessary
Let the house breathe by opening up doors and windows in between rain showers. If this isn’t enough, use a humidifier to keep temperatures and moisture levels controlled inside.

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Guardian Protection Products, Inc. protects the beauty and value of furniture with protection plans that cover fabric, leather, wood, mattresses, and more. Read more on this site.

Keeping outdoor furniture safe during winter

Now that fall is almost over, and winter is right around the corner, people have a lot of things to look forward to. Depending on the location, some communities may be blessed by beautiful snowfall. However, it would be best for everyone to winter-proof their furniture before winter does come. Here are a few tips.

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Snow and cold rain may accelerate the rusting of metal furniture. Rust weakens metal and in the long run, causes the furniture to become brittle before breaking down. It is highly recommended that any furniture with metal be brought inside the house before the snow or winter rains fall.


The application of a sealant on wooden furniture before winter can go a long way. Sealants can keep moisture out, not just during the winter but also during the other seasons. As is the case with metal furniture, snow and rain can cause catastrophic damage to wood.


Plastic furniture should also be brought in since sub-zero temperatures can cause the material to crack. Cracked furniture may be dangerous for everyone.


When cushions become moist, they’re easily frozen and thawed out due to the weather. This causes irreparable damage. Bring cushions indoors and keep them there.

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Guardian Protection Products Inc. offers a complete line of furniture cleaners, protectors, and polishes. For more on the company and its services, check out this website.