Keeping outdoor furniture safe during winter

Now that fall is almost over, and winter is right around the corner, people have a lot of things to look forward to. Depending on the location, some communities may be blessed by beautiful snowfall. However, it would be best for everyone to winter-proof their furniture before winter does come. Here are a few tips.

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Snow and cold rain may accelerate the rusting of metal furniture. Rust weakens metal and in the long run, causes the furniture to become brittle before breaking down. It is highly recommended that any furniture with metal be brought inside the house before the snow or winter rains fall.


The application of a sealant on wooden furniture before winter can go a long way. Sealants can keep moisture out, not just during the winter but also during the other seasons. As is the case with metal furniture, snow and rain can cause catastrophic damage to wood.


Plastic furniture should also be brought in since sub-zero temperatures can cause the material to crack. Cracked furniture may be dangerous for everyone.


When cushions become moist, they’re easily frozen and thawed out due to the weather. This causes irreparable damage. Bring cushions indoors and keep them there.

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Guardian Protection Products Inc. offers a complete line of furniture cleaners, protectors, and polishes. For more on the company and its services, check out this website.